- History of lesbianism in the United States
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In , Courtney Mitchell and Sarah Welton, both from Colorado , were married in Nepal 's first public same-sex female wedding ceremony, although the marriage was not legally recognized in Nepal. In , a same-sex couple unknown if they were women or men wed in December under Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribal law; the tribe will issue a marriage license to anybody who lives within the tribes' jurisdiction, if at least one person is a tribal member.
In , in the case Hollingsworth v.
History of lesbianism in the United States
Perry , which was brought by a same-sex female couple Kristin Perry and Sandra Stier and a same-sex male couple, the Supreme Court said the private sponsors of Proposition 8 did not have legal standing to appeal after the ballot measure was struck down by a federal judge in San Francisco, which made same-sex marriage legal again in California.
District Judge Thomas Durkin had ordered the Cook County clerk to issue an expedited marriage license to Gray and Ewert before the state's same-sex marriage law took effect in June , because Gray was terminally ill; slightly later that same year, it was declared that all same-sex couples in Illinois where one partner had a terminal illness could marry immediately. In January , same-sex marriage was legalized in Oklahoma , but the ruling was stayed; in , a U. Also in , Monroe County, Florida, legalized same-sex marriages, but the ruling was stayed.
Kelvin Atkinson and Sherwood Howard were the first same-sex couple to marry in Nevada. Louis County began complying with that ruling, as shortly after Jackson County also did. Perry both of which were in favor of same-sex marriage that any federal appeals court upheld a state's voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage. In January , U. District Judge Robert Hinkle in Tallahassee ruled that all clerks in the state were required under the Constitution to issue marriage licenses to all same-sex couples. Granade then ruled that the local probate judge Judge Don Davis of Mobile County could not refuse to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, after which Davis began issuing licenses to same-sex couples, as did many counties in Alabama.
In April Guam's attorney general directed officials to begin processing marriage license applications from same-sex couples, but the governor said he wanted to study the issue further, and the public health director said he wouldn't accept the applications. Pangelinan and Kathleen M. Aguero sued in U. District Court in Guam also in April after their marriage application was refused. Same-sex marriages became performable and recognised in the U. Pangelinan, 28, and Kathleen M.
Finally, on June 26, , the Supreme Court ruled by a 5-to-4 vote in Obergefell v. Hodges that the Constitution guarantees a right to same-sex marriage, legalizing it throughout the United States. Aside from the legalization of same-sex marriage, there were seven significant legal victories for lesbians from the year until Hate Crimes Prevention Act being signed into law, the definition of federal hate crime was expanded to include those violent crimes in which the victim is selected due to their sexual orientation; previously federal hate crimes were defined as only those violent crimes where the victim is selected due to their race, color, religion, or national origin.
In , in the case United States v. Windsor , brought by lesbian Edie Windsor and argued by lesbian attorney Roberta Kaplan , the Supreme Court struck down Section 3 of the federal Defense of Marriage Act DOMA , which had denied federal benefits to same-sex couples who were legally married in their states. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission concluded that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of does not allow sexual orientation discrimination in employment because it is a form of sex discrimination. Smith that in regard to the issuing of birth certificates, no state can treat same-sex couples differently than heterosexual ones; the case was brought by two same-sex female couples.
Bostock v. Clayton County , U. In , the Department of Justice filed an amicus brief in the 2nd U. In , Tammy Baldwin became the first openly lesbian or gay senator in American history.
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In Aisha Moodie-Mills became the new president and CEO of the Victory Fund , which made her the first woman, first black woman, first lesbian, and first black lesbian to become the head of a national leading LGBT organization. On June 11, , Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, was hosting Latin Night, a weekly Saturday-night event drawing a primarily Hispanic crowd. Lucie, Florida. Mateen called during the attack and pledged allegiance to ISIL. Category:LGBT culture.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. See also: Lesbian literature. See also: Second-wave feminism. Main article: Orlando nightclub shootings. June L. Encyclopedia of Lesbian and Gay Histories and Cultures. Garland Publishing. May Retrieved 14 October Fred B. New York University Press. Retrieved on The Journal of Asthma Research. Archived from the original on Retrieved OutHistory Yes, we've already had one, and here are her love letters".
The Washington Post.
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New York: Meridian Books. New York: A. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society. University of Chicago. University of California, Los Angeles. Michael University of Illinois Press. Seth 29 May Arcadia Publishing. Seal Press.

Unknown to them at the time was the work decades earlier of a pioneering lesbian researcher, Mildred Berry Berryman. Berryman and her life partner, Ruth Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. Archived from the original PDF on 7 November Archived from the original on 2 February Retrieved 7 November Journal of the History of Sexuality.
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Boston, MA: Wadsworth Publishing. Atlas Obscura. Illinois Times. Retrieved February 3, The Amazon of Letters. New York: Putnam. New York Times.
Investigations — Diana. National Coalition Against Censorship. December 1, Archived from the original on November 10, Retrieved January 7, Rimmerman Gay rights, military wrongs: political perspectives on lesbians and gays in the military , Garland Pub. Internet Archive. Retrieved 30 November Out Magazine. Highsmith: A Romance of the s 1st ed. Cleis Press.
Ballantine Books. Here Media Inc. Retrieved 30 June Gay Today. Glbt History Month; October 14, ; retrieved November 4, Press Release. New York Public Library; retrieved November 4, Stonewall , Penguin Books. Where witnesses claim one woman who fought her treatment at the hands of the police caused the crowd to become angry, some also remembered several "butch lesbians" had begun to fight back while still in the bar. At least one was already bleeding when taken out of the bar Carter, David Martin's Press.
Craig Rodwell in Duberman, p. University of Chicago Press. New York: Carroll and Graf. Life So Far: A Memoir. Page Life So Far , op. Love 22 September Feminists Who Changed America, Here Come the Brides! Da Capo Press.
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Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence. Signs, 5, — The New York Times. Retrieved June 30, The Blade. The Advocate. The University of Chicago Press. Urge passage of legislation to protect rights of homosexuals".
95 Queer and Lesbian TV Shows to Stream on Netflix
New York Times Abstracts. Retrieved 27 December Bay Area Reporter. The Terfs. October 12, The dispute between radical feminism and transgender ideology". New Yorker Magazine. Retrieved 5 August Oxford University Press. Simon and Schuster. Harvard University Press. The Transsexual Empire 2nd ed. Teachers College Press.