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  3. Leslie Nixon – A tribute to influential Australian Christians
  4. Sydney Address Book
  5. Deceased Clergy in Australia, 1788-2020

The friendships he made there lasted a lifetime. Where ever he went his creative mind always found new and effective pastoral initiatives. Once in a remote country parish, when boredom threatened, he ran the caravan park - including the shop. Tim knew he had a talent for teaching and for artistic expression. He put himself through Teachers College and obtained a B Ed which led him to become the art teacher in two Catholic secondary schools.

He left a large number of his own art pieces behind, mostly small paintings and delicate sculptures that came from his own deep spirituality. Tim loved travelling, and together with Archbishop Barry Hickey, made the most of Archbishop Hickey's required trips to Rome, visiting many of the world's remote wonders like Lake Titicaca, the Iguazu Falls and the Basilica in Africa the looks like St Peter's in Rome.

In his later years Tim lost the use of his legs and developed Parkinson's disease which led to his death earlier this year. His funeral drew people from all walks of life who had known his joy, his sense of fun and his genuine love. They came to grieve with his devoted carer and his family, and to thank God for the privilege of having known him.

May he rest now in peace. Tom served the Church in a very positive and pastorally enriching manner, giving fine example to both his brother priests and the community for over 64 years. The Archdiocese is most grateful for his untiring service to the Church of Melbourne. Upon his retirement in , Tom was appointed Pastor Emeritus. Rest now in peace dear Tom. After less than two years as an assistant priest, Robin served in the rural settings of Kangaroo Island and Birdwood.

He was then assigned to the fast-growing suburbs of Clearview 13 years , followed by Seacombe Gardens 26 years. During his time at Seacombe Gardens he ministered to three generations of families. Robin was always recognised as a loving, cheerful, prayerful pastor, whose homilies flowed from his deep spirituality.

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This unusual building it is tiered like a university auditorium epitomises Robin's fiercely independent, many would say idiosyncratic, character. This unique church was built despite episcopal reservations and much of the work was done under Robin's supervision. His avocations included the roles of electrician he worked as one before entering the seminary , carpenter, brick-layer etc. Robin was accustomed to recruiting imperious helpers for his various projects. At the rear of the presbytery at Seacombe Gardens he constructed, with the help of many volunteers, several community rooms.

Robin retired reluctantly from parish life in and celebrated the 60th anniversary of his ordination as a priest of the Adelaide Archdiocese on 22 July He was a great example of a pastor who knew his people very well and related to them warmly. It is not the material buildings one presbytery and three churches for which he will be remembered.

His essential legacy is the thousands of people who continue to cherish his loving ministry.

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Rest now in peace Robin. Diocese of Lismore. John's College, Woodlawn, before moving on to his theology studies at Springwood and Manly. He was ordained to the Priesthood in Tony worked in many parishes across the Lismore Diocese before taking up his longest and most fruitful appointment in Coffs Harbour. The Mass was a fitting tribute to a priest who had done so much in his 22 years in Coffs Harbour for the church and for his people through his spiritual, sacramental and pastoral care and in his development of Catholic education and aged care in the community.

John was ordained a priest in at St Mary's Cathedral Sydney. After ordination he served in various parishes in the Archdiocese of Sydney before becoming parish priest of Katoomba. When Broken Bay diocese was established he mainly did supply ministry before he retired in recent years. He worked for many years establishing the Family Camping Movement to give low cost holidays to families by the sea on the Central Coast. Rest now in peace John. Kevin, one of six brothers and five sisters, was born in Mudgee to Michael and Ellen.

When the family moved to Sydney he spent his primary education with Sistres of St. Joseph Belmore, then St. Thomas's Lewisham.

Leslie Nixon – A tribute to influential Australian Christians

In Kevin did his Novitiate at Pennant Hills. He mastered the classic languages, and then taught the students at Galong for many years, pioneering the first ever language laboratory. Kevin was recognised internationally as a scholar and teacher. Later, he returned to Ireland for more study in at Trinity College Dublin and then to a teaching position at Newcastle University. Whilst there, he contributed to the liturgical and pastoral life of the Ukrainian Catholic community, having mastered the Ukrainian language.

Kevin was a classicist especially in the way he studied and taught. He completely studied and developed proficiency in languages before he taught them and was determined to master them, no matter how difficult.

Kevin was a Redemptorist, a priest, a missioner, a retreat giver, a spiritual director, a formator, and an innovator. He was a speaker, a singer, a celebrant, and a liturgist. Like a good soldier Kevin was always on another tour of duty. Within all of this there was a gentle, semi-smile on his face, telling us that there is something in life that is more than seriousness. He could tell stories, good and humorous ones, always tales that came alive when told by the teller. He was a great entertainer in the group.

Kevin died as he lived - with grace, dignity and courage. May his dear soul now rest in peace. In he sought permission to minister in the Archdiocese of Melbourne and in was Incardinated into the Archdiocese of Melbourne.

In more recent years, he has enjoyed the care and hospitality of the Sisters, staff and other clergy at Justin Villa, Balwyn. He will be missed for his recitation of prose, good humour and priestly witness. May he rest in peace and rise in glory. Diocese of Rockhampton. Kindness, gentleness and generosity were the hallmarks of John Rasmussen. A delightful man with whom to spend time and considerate to a fault.

Sydney Address Book

He was a priest to his back teeth, always available to those in need in his parish. A man of simple faith and with bags of good humour. John was the fifth of seven children of Catherine and Arthur Rasmussen of Mackay. He was an exceptional athlete, setting records in the Mile and yds. His times were better than John Landy's at his age! He became School Captain in and then went to Banyo Seminary. All John's appointments were around the Rockhampton diocese, except for one year at Burleigh Heads in He helped start the Credit Union Movement in Rockhampton in the 60s.

He was a chaplain to the CMF for eleven years and Administrator of the Cathedral Parish during its completion in the early s. John loved the ocean. On his holidays and whenever he could he was out on the water.

Deceased Clergy in Australia, 1788-2020

He spent his retirement at Eimeo Beach near Mackay and would be seen walking the beach collecting shells every day. Elizabeth Barrett Browning wrote what John Rasmussen believed at the core of his being: Earth's crammed with heaven, and every common bush afire with God. Ron died peacefully on 13 January, at Clare Holland House, Canberra after struggling with ill health for a number of years. He is survived by his older sister Mary; his siblings Joan, Colin, Bernie and Paul having predeceased him. Ron is also survived by his former housekeeper and best friend Frances Smyth.

For the last few nights of Ron's life here on earth, Bishop Pat Power kept a bedside vigil with Ron and spoke of his peaceful acceptance of his imminent death in Christ. Rest in peace dear Ron. John Lummen SAC was larger than life in many ways. He lived through nine papacies from Benedict XV to Francis. He later joined the Pallottines but with the outbreak of war in , he was posted to a German artillery unit in Czechoslovakia. After Hitler declared war on Russia, his unit was involved in the Siege of Leningrad, where he lost three toes on his right foot to frostbite.

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Later, he was made an officer but became a prisoner of the US army when Germany was defeated. After the war, John returned to the seminary and was ordained on the 9 July Then from , he developed the new Pallottine Training Centre in Rossmoyne, Perth, into a place where Aboriginal students could live as they attended secondary schools and learned trades. He was passionate about Aboriginal education. He was PP of Riverton again from Like his namesake, John the Baptist, John could be quite tough, but he also had a deep concern for others.

May he now join the communion of saints and angels in the heavenly Kingdom. Diocese of Sale. Passion for ministry and a zest for life were hallmarks of John O'Kelly.