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Victoria is incorporated into 79 municipalities for the purposes of local government, including 39 shires, 32 cities, seven rural cities and one borough. Shire and city councils are responsible for functions delegated by the Victorian parliament, such as city planning, road infrastructure and waste management. Council revenue comes mostly from property taxes and government grants.
Victoria's state school system dates back to , when the colonial government legislated to make schooling both free and compulsory. The state's public secondary school system began in Before then, only private secondary schooling was available. Today, a Victorian school education consists of seven years of primary schooling including one preparatory year and six years of secondary schooling. The final years of secondary school are optional for children aged over Victorian children generally begin school at age five or six.
Victorian schools are either publicly or privately funded. Public schools, also known as state or government schools, are funded and run directly by the Victoria Department of Education [3]. Students do not pay tuition fees, but some extra costs are levied. Private fee-paying schools include parish schools run by the Roman Catholic Church and independent schools similar to British public schools.
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Independent schools are usually affiliated with Protestant churches. Victoria also has several private Jewish and Islamic primary and secondary schools.
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Private schools also receive some public funding. All schools must comply with government-set curriculum standards. Students at these schools are exclusively admitted on the basis of an academic selective entry test. As of February , Victoria had 1, public schools, Catholic schools and independent schools. Just under , students were enrolled in public schools, and just over , in private schools. Over 58 per cent of private students attend Catholic schools. More than , students were enrolled in primary schools and more than , in secondary schools. Retention rates for the final two years of secondary school were Victoria has about 46, full-time teachers.
Victoria has nine universities. The first to offer degrees, the University of Melbourne , enrolled its first student in The largest, Monash University , has an enrolment of over 83, students—more than any other Australian university. The number of students enrolled in Victorian universities was , in , an increase of 5.
Victoria has 12 government-run institutions of technical and further education TAFE. More than 1, adult education organisations are registered to provide recognised TAFE programs. In , there were , students enrolled in vocational education in the state. By , the number of students in the sector had dropped by 40 per cent to ,—a five-year low which the education department attributed to withdrawal of funding to low-quality providers and a societal shift to university education.
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The State Library Victoria is the State's research and reference library. It is responsible for collecting and preserving Victoria's documentary heritage and making it available through a range of services and programs. Material in the collection includes books, newspapers, magazines, journals, manuscripts, maps, pictures, objects, sound and video recordings and databases.
In addition, local governments maintain local lending libraries, typically with multiple branches in their respective municipal areas. The state of Victoria is the second largest economy in Australia after New South Wales, accounting for a quarter of the nation's gross domestic product.

Finance and insurance is Victoria's largest income producing sector, while the health care and social assistance sector is the state's biggest employer. The shift towards service industries in the preceding decades has seen manufacturing lose its mantle as Victoria's largest employer and income producer. Victorian farms range from small horticultural outfits to large-scale livestock and grain productions.
A quarter of farmland is used to grow consumable crops. It is also a leader in stone fruit production. The main vegetable crops include asparagus, broccoli, carrots, potatoes and tomatoes. Last year, , tonnes of pears and , tonnes of tomatoes were produced. Victoria also exports live sheep to the Middle East for meat and to the rest of the world for breeding.
More than , tonnes of wool clip was also produced—one-fifth of the Australian total. Victoria is the centre of dairy farming in Australia. The state also has 2.
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Most abalone and rock lobster is exported to Asia. Victoria has a diverse range of manufacturing enterprises and Melbourne is considered Australia's most important industrial city. The post-World War II manufacturing boom was fuelled by international investment; attracted to the state by the availability of cheap land close to the city and inexpensive energy from the Latrobe Valley.
Victoria produced Machinery and equipment manufacturing is the state's most valuable manufacturing activity, followed by food and beverage products, petrochemicals and chemicals. Prominent manufacturing plants in the state include the Portland and Point Henry aluminium smelters, owned by Alcoa ; oil refineries at Geelong and Altona ; a major petrochemical facility at Laverton ; and Victorian-based CSL , a global biotechnology company that produces vaccines and plasma products, among others.
Victoria also plays an important role in providing goods for the defence industry. Victoria proportionally relies on manufacturing more than any other state in Australia, constituting 8. However, this proportion has been declining for three decades; in at the time of the early s recession manufacturing constituted Since , manufacturing employment has also fallen in both aggregate , to , workers and proportional The strong Australian dollar as a result of the s mining boom , small population and isolation, high wage base and the general shift of manufacturing production towards developing countries have been cited as some of the reasons for this decline.
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Historically, Victoria has been a hub for the manufacturing plants of the major car brands Ford , Toyota and Holden ; however, closure announcements by all three companies in the s has meant Australia will completely lose their car manufacturing industry by the end of Holden's announcement occurred in May following Ford's decision in December the previous year Ford's Victorian plants, in Broadmeadows and Geelong, closed in October Victoria adopted the Torrens system of land registration with the Real Property Act The common law system continues to apply to all other private landholdings.
The oil and gas industries are centred off the coast of Gippsland in the state's east, while brown coal mining and power generation is based in the Latrobe Valley. Brown coal is Victoria's leading mineral, with 66 million tonnes mined each year for electricity generation in the Latrobe Valley, Gippsland. Victoria also produces limited amounts of gypsum and kaolin. The service industries sector is the fastest growing component of the Victorian economy. It includes the wide range of activities generally classified as financial and professional services; health care and social assistance, education, transportation, IT and communication services, government services and wholesale and retail trade.
Most service industries are located in Melbourne and the state's larger regional centres. As of —16, service industries employed over three-quarters of Victorian workers and more than three-quarters of the state's GSP. Finance and insurance as a group provide more value-add to the economy than any other economic activity in Victoria while health care and social assistance employ the most workers.
Major events that explore cultural diversity, music and sports play a big part in Victoria's tourism. The Twelve Apostles. Jan Juc , Torquay. Victoria has the highest population density in any state in Australia, with population centres spread out over most of the state; only the far northwest and the Victorian Alps lack permanent settlement. The Victorian road network services the population centres, with highways generally radiating from Melbourne and other major cities and rural centres with secondary roads interconnecting the highways to each other.
Rail transport in Victoria is provided by several private and public railway operators who operate over government-owned lines. There are also several smaller freight operators and numerous tourist railways operating over lines which were once parts of a state-owned system. Melbourne has the world's largest tram network , [71] currently operated by Yarra Trams. As well as being a popular form of public transport, over the last few decades trams have become one of Melbourne's major tourist attractions. There are also tourist trams operating over portions of the former Ballarat and Bendigo systems.
There are also tramway museums at Bylands and Haddon. Melbourne Airport is the major domestic and international gateway for the state. Avalon Airport is the state's second busiest airport, which complements Essendon and Moorabbin Airports to see the remainder of Melbourne's air traffic.
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There are no fewer than 27 other airports in the state with no scheduled flights. The Port of Melbourne is the largest port for containerised and general cargo in Australia, [72] and is located in Melbourne on the mouth of the Yarra River , which is at the head of Port Phillip. Additional seaports are at Westernport , Geelong , and Portland. As of October , smoking tobacco is prohibited in the sheltered areas of train stations, and tram and bus stops—between and , people were issued with infringement notices.
The state government announced a plan in October to prohibit smoking on all Victorian railway station platforms and raised tram stops. Victoria's major utilities include a collection of brown-coal-fired power stations, particularly in the Latrobe Valley. The Victorian government is aiming to cut Victoria's water infrastructure includes a series of dams and reservoirs, predominantly in Central Victoria, that hold and collect water for much of the state.
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The water collected is of a very high quality and requires little chlorination treatment, giving the water a taste more like water collected in a rainwater tank. In regional areas however, such as in the west of the state, chlorination levels are much higher. The Victorian Water Grid consists of a number of new connections and pipelines being built across the State. This allows water to be moved around Victoria to where it is needed most and reduces the impact of localised droughts in an era thought to be influenced by climate change.
Major projects already completed as part of the Grid include the Wimmera Mallee Pipeline and the Goldfields Superpipe.