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Mental Health Services We address mental health at all stages, with preventative and early intervention mental health services, as well as support for families experiencing mental health difficulties. Multicultural Programs RAV celebrates cultural diversity and is committed to providing access to all our programs for all Victorians. Post Separation Parenting We offer group work and post separation parenting courses including some for court-mandated clients.
Professional Training RAV has an established reputation for quality professional training and development in FDR, couple therapy and relationship counselling. Redress Support Services Relationships Australia Victoria has been funded to provide support to people contemplating or going through the National Redress Scheme.
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Senior Relationship Services We are committed to providing targeted and effective services addressing the needs of senior Victorians and their families. Services for Aboriginal Families Support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and individuals to help strengthen family relationships. Workplace Support Services and Employee Assistance Programs Helping to maintain and improve the health, functioning and productivity of employees and workplaces. Courses Relationship education RAV offers a variety of relationship education courses, run in small groups.

Training Customised Training Solutions We can tailor programs across a broad range of topics to cater varying training needs. Training Courses and Workshops We have an established reputation for quality professional training in a range of areas related to family relationships. Programs Our Training and Development Department delivers a range of specialist programs. Training and development news Get the latest information about training and professional development news, articles and events.
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Contact our Training Team Contact us to discuss our training and development services. Resources News Find out about our latest news, events and articles. Publications RAV has produced a variety of publications to assist with relationship needs. Links View a list of links to relevant external organisations and services. Good Ships Books and Resources Innovative resources to support children to deal with common difficulties in the context of important relationships.
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Recommended reading Browse a list of books recommended by our Librarian on relationship issues. Videos Videos providing support on a range of topics and common challenges people face. Tip Sheets Information, tips and resources on a range of common family and relationship issues. Evaluation and research We evaluate our services and undertake research to enable us to highlight issues, service gaps and areas for improvement, and measure the effectiveness of our services.
Media Centre RAV can provide informed commentary on a range of relationship topics. Careers Careers Would you like to work for us? Employment benefits We offer a range of competitive, attractive and flexible employment conditions.
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Our recruitment process RAV advertises all available positions on this careers page of our website. Counselling Support for concerns, worries or challenges you may be facing during the coronavirus crisis, or more generally in life. Are you affected by the Disability Royal Commission? Free counselling and support is available. Family dispute resolution mediation Supporting separating couples to reach agreements on parenting and property matters in a timely and affordable way. Since We're proud to have supported over , Victorians since Family violence support Everyone has the right to feel safe and live their life free from abuse and violence.
Family Dispute Resolution mediation Helping couples who are separating or divorcing to resolve their family law disputes. Programs, courses and groups Announcements.
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Important dates Programs, courses and groups Resources. Programs, courses and groups.
Events Resources Announcements. Upcoming Courses. Click here to view the free resources.
Rejection can be so strong. You have to have some robustness to handle that. Quite often it's not about you, it's just you haven't ticked a certain box [for the other person]. And even if apps are your main game, Ferrari says don't discount the power of meeting people organically. That can lead to you not noticing the guy at the coffee shop who is interested because your energy is elsewhere.
The first "women-first" dating app, where only females can initiate conversations except in same-sex matches , I thought Bumble would be a massive step up from Tinder. Recently the company clocked up two million members in Australia. Generally, the guys on Bumble are a bit more interested in dating than hook-ups but it's been mixed pickings. I deleted the app over summer after the quality of men seemed to plummet, although I did download it again last week because I still don't have wifi or TV in my new apartment.
I'm chatting with a sane, attractive, kind guy. So for now, there's still hope. So, this is where the cool kids hang out. I love the interface on Hinge, mainly because the profiles require you to answer three random questions, such as your ideal Sunday. It must be a popular feature because I have noticed Bumble has emulated it.
According to its marketing spiel, Hinge aims to be "younger and cooler" than sites such as RSVP but "less superficial" than Tinder. I can agree with that, to a point. Its downside is being a smaller app, it doesn't have the volume of Bumble or Tinder and, as we all know, online dating is a numbers game. Still, am due to have a phone chat with a guy this week. Quality over quantity. I kept hearing about Raya like it was some underground club with a secret door. True, you need to be referred by another member not that hard and you have to pay to play, meaning it does weed out some of the dross.
I signed up for a month and while I spotted the odd celebrity, I didn't strike up a decent conversation with anyone. But apparently it's big in London and New York, places I will be visiting in coming weeks. In a well-informed attempt to avoid my ex, I have boycotted Tinder. The last time I was there circa mid , it was pretty much a glorified hook-up website And if you want one of those, may I suggest better places to go where things are, how shall we say, less "ambiguous".