Adult singles dating Toowoomba Australia

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Unless you already have family or friends here I would suggest trying somewhere just that little bit smaller. Toowoomba has grown a lot over the years and in its effort to compete with the bigger cities it has lost its charm. Great hospital and education facilities in Toowoomba.

FREE Sex Dating in Toowoomba, Queensland

In terms of modern shops or staying up with the 'fashions' if thats your thing you wont find it in Toowoomba. They have only just started Sunday trading here and apparently its not going too well so according to local shop owners it may not be a long term prospect. Delivery fees are quite expensive considering the short distances they have to travel. Toowoomba is trying hard to be more cosmopolitan and there are plenty of cafes and pubs and a few select nice restaurants. Not too many options if you like something a bit more ethnic such as authentic thai, korean, japanese, turkish or greek.

A few standard Aussie-fied chinese type places.

Oh yes, and its hard to get a good coffee in Toowoomba. There is a few lovely cafes but you have to kiss a lot of toads before you find your prince figuratively speaking.

Public transport is absolutely appalling in Toowoomba. Buses run once an hour and the last service as just before 6pm so bad luck if you're working overtime.

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There is also a limited Saturday service and nothing at all on Sunday. Parking isnt too bad because sometimes driving is the only option. The most well known thing about Toowoomba is, for Queensland, it's really really really cold. Did I say really?? Summer is much nicer but anything after about May is not pleasant at all.

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If you can fly north for June and July and some of August, do it. I would say the worst thing, for my family at least, is the people. Really unfriendly which was quite unexpected. You would be hard pressed to raise a smile from most people on the street. Of course there is always exceptions to the rule but I find this the most disappointing aspect of Toowoomba life. There is not a lot to do around here unless you like parks. The closest city is Brisbane and it is a two hour drive on a good day, when the Warrego isn't closed due to landslides or accidents. As disovered recently, as there is only one way in and out of town, the closure of the Warego results in food and fuel shortages.

Realestate houseprices and rent are overpriced, considering what you can buy in the same pricebracket in towns such as Noosa, Ipwich, Townsville or Bundaberg. There are no decent cultural events, no Museum, no Art. There is not a lot for children or young adults to do. The shopping is abysmal. The weather is either drought or flood, and we have had major water shortages for the last 15 years, with restrictions meaning we have been unable to water our lawns or gardens.

Council have ripped up the gardens in the main street and planted cactus to deal with the water shortages. People are not that friendly, we have major drug problems in our schools but who doesnt these days? As a female, I do not feel safe being downtown during the day, nevermind after dark. A lot of the crime here is hushed up, to make the town more attractive to tourists.

I've moved around quite a bit, and I can say Toowoomba is not on my list of "livable" towns. Sadly Toowoomba is halfway between city and town. It has all the faults of both and non of the benefits of either. Recommended for Country Lovers. Vale View, just out of town, is only a short 10minute drive south west of Toowoomba, with acerage blocks for the kids to roam, raise some chooks or a few lambs - it offers the country lifestyle, yet within reach of all the fabulous ammenities of Toowoomba. Recommended for Professionals Singles Families with kids Retirees.

I have quite a good career with excellent renumeration.. I can tell you now.. I would fire or retrain ALOT of the people in rental Real estate mangement that I have come across so far tryingto find a good solid family home in Toowoomba. My view is eventurally to purhcase my own place in Toowomba and little do most of these obnoxious upstarts know that they are slowly but surely ticking themsleves off my list of people to Buy through when I am ready to Purchase. Gecko is first.. A young lass at LJ Hooker left a particularly bad taste in My mouth.. Ray White Herries street was quite polite altho not at all prompt..

Darling Downs Realty was really down to earth and nice folk. I ask Real Estate agents to keep in mind.. Return calls and dont speak to me like I am a annoying pce of dog poop you managed to pick up on your shoe.. I am actually caretaking your clients assets and paying for the Privilege.. Pros Good shopping and some great schools Very pretty in Spring beautiful parks Climate hot in summer freezing in winter Everything you need.

Cons can be clicky.. We are a mobile population and it is time agents realized that. We sell then rent while we look to buy. The agent selling our place did not even know we had a dog till he found him asleep on the bed, BUT as soon as you mention the word DOG, to rental agents, it is assumed you are from a VERY lower socio economic back ground and your dog is a wolf hound that is going to destroy the garden and eat the inside walls. SO, property managers dont judge all applicants as one you may have had an issue with and lefts face it if YOU do your job properly that is regular checks at least in the early months you will see we dont all want to move in and destroy your clients property in fact many of us will leave it in a far better state than we found it.

I cannot believe there are so many bad reviews for this beautiful city! Although, I would never live there because I am not a fan of the cold, which would seem to be it's only down fall. As for the shopping aspect, Toowoomba has a lovely shopping center and Toowoomba has a huge advantage on shopping compared to other towns of it's size. Pros beautiful parks. Recommended for Families with kids Retirees Country Lovers.

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I preferred the shopping in Townsville though recently it has had a downturn. Having to lock your car doors whilst driving,secure your premises beyond the norm with cameras,watch all intersections for youths in stolen cars running red lights like GTA style,druggos jumping counters in shops with knives,watching your back whilst you go to and from your vehicle,paying caution to the fact that whilst fueling your car you may have it hijacked,perhaps you'll have it egged so that you can't see through the windscreen and have NO choice but to pull over where you're assaulted and your car stolen by youths.

If you're wanting a disgusting city of disrespectful degenerate chroming detention center youths ruling the place then yeah Go Townsville!!

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  7. Such a lovely safe place to raise children or retire. Check out the crime rates. I wouldn't even let my dog live there because they're beating them with sticks and stones and kicking them,or,feeding them over a period of time to get to your premises,stealing from you whilst you're home awake or asleep or out and about Crimesville,Brownsville,Clownsville are now my preferred names for that hot crime hole.

    Pros hot in summer freezing in winter. It's a beautiful town and although the people are friendly, they aren't interested in making friends. As for meeting people of the opposite sex, Toowoomba is not the place. Don't come on your own! Other than that, the weather is fantastic and it's got everything you need. Perfect for raising a family. Pros Climate Everything you need.

    Easily navigated with all essential services on hand. A great alternative to suburban Brisbane with close acces to all capital city services. Toowoomba is a nice, sprawling country town that wants to be a bigger city, but is held back by its good ol'-fashioned values and a high percentage of elderly residents, church go-ers and country bumpkins who all seem afraid of progress.

    Toowoomba is located approx 90 minutes west of Brisbane, and the only way to get to the town from Brisbane is up a goat track of a road called The Range, which gets more and more dangerous every week especially with the fog and the rain but the government doesn't really seem to care about fixing it or providing an alternative at the moment guess we'll just have to wait for a few dozen people to die in crashes or something before anything happens. If you've got the metal, you'll love dodging the trucks going up and down the range - just make sure your brakes are working well.

    Once you are in Toowoomba you are greeted with a great range of shopping and dining options - there are some excellent restaurants in Toowoomba, as long as you like being fed and in bed by pm - no late night dining in this town! If you catch a movie or a show at the famous Empire Theatre, make sure you have enough change for McDonalds afterwards because thats the only thing that will be open after 9pm if you're hungry!