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Clear editor. Upload or insert images from URL. Tagged with:. By Drop Bear , 5 hours ago in Politics and Environment. By Idan , 21 hours ago in Saltwater. By Dinodadog , 3 hours ago in Freshwater. By Sneaky1 , 3 hours ago in Saltwater. By Zolli , December 13 in Saltwater. By ellicat , December 2 in Non-Fishing Chat.
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By Sneaky1 , December 13 in Saltwater. By Kat , November 20 in Saltwater. By ellicat , December 8 in Saltwater. By samsteele , December 11 in Saltwater. By Sneaky1 , December 4 in Saltwater. By Sneaky1 , December 6 in Saltwater. By ellicat , November 24 in Tackle, Rods and Reels. By Ed. By Drop Bear Started 5 hours ago. By Idan Started 21 hours ago.
By Dinodadog Started 3 hours ago. By Sneaky1 Started 3 hours ago. Reply to this topic Start new topic. Recommended Posts. Posted April 25, Morning all, Me and the missus miss Munchicken head out to the Wellington Point jetty this morning for an early morning flick with both bait and lures. Also took several big happy moments and a leatherjacket smaller than the lure itself The fun part came when I started throwing my Ecogear ZX30 around.
Some curse them, I think they're great fun when the fishing for other species is slow. Link to post Share on other sites. Angus 7, Posted April 25, So you reckon there was a few at day time? Im going to have to get myself a spot somewhere to test the new jigg.
FishoDave 42 Posted April 25, Miss Munchkin 0 Posted April 25, Malcolm Posted April 25, Join the conversation You can post now and register later. Reply to this topic Insert image from URL. Followers 0. Go to topic listing. Looking for opinions on heavy spinning popper rods. Latest Posts. Advice for the weekend.
Brisbane Land Based
Nice looking boat haha. I keep losing baits. Yippee Yeppoon! Reports Are Added. Big school little students. Where are the decent snapper. Hi all Well a couple days ago now I went down to the local park for my routine fish. I was hoping for some bull sharks, but my hopes were not very high as the recent rain we've had would've been no good for the river. I baited the lines up, just with some herring. It wasn't the biggest fish but I hoped it would be big enough for me to be able to catch a couple on it.
Best Brisbane Sunrise & Sunset Spots | Queensland
I only put the other two rods out, both with herring. The first hour or so was absolutely fishless, no nibbles - no nothing. The herring were untouched apart from the one on the cod line which was just getting pickered. Then, I heard my little Sienna screaming. This was the first time it'd had anything since it's service, so I was quite excited. Unfortunately, after a boring fight, a dirty old catfish came up. I flicked him away and got the line back in.
Vermin After that, it gave me a bit more hope that I might get something, so I decided to stay a bit longer. I was planning on leaving as it'd been over an hour with no bites, no bait, hot sun, tide wrong, etc. I kept checking the lines, and rebaiting when required. Then, I saw the salmon line buckled over. I ran down, and there was line moving off it quickly. After a few small runs, I reliased I just had another catfish on the end so I dealt with that and chucked him away.
I left and packed up shortly after. I know it was a rather brief session, but the fish were just not on the bite at all. I didn't give up though, and I went again the next day. I woke up a bit before six, got all the gear ready, and then set off to the local park. It didn't take him long to get a Bony Bream live baited immedialietly , a few prawns, and some glassies. They were all put into the bucket ready to use for the best value. As well as that, my dad also got something interesting.
A baby flatehad! I was especially surprised as it was after all this rain. I got him out of the net with no worries and he kicked off straight away easily.
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Lucky him! Please become a metre long flathead so I can catch you! My friend arrived soon after, and while he was on the top of the jetty one of the lines got a run. He picked it up, but didn't really know what to do and by the time I had gotten up there the fish had dropped it. I re casted the line and got it back out, but there were no more hits on this.
My dad was about to leave now, so he did one cast off the front of the jetty. He felt some tugging, and to our surprise a cm Bony Bream came up. I chucked him in the esky, and decided I might use him for bait later.

I got no more fish on the prawns, which just kept getting pickered. I knocked off a couple fillets off the Bony Bream, and then I had two great strip baits. One I chopped up into bits, and put it on teh cod line, and the other I lobbed out on the salmon line. It didn't take long for something to go for a run on the cod line. This happened about three more times, each time the hook did not set.