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- Bondi Pavilion history - Waverley Council
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- Bondi Beach Cultural Landscape
Changes to the North Bondi Surf Life Saving Club included the following: - Observation Room completed; - Demolition of top floor of building, to be replaced by a 'VIP room'; and - Development Approval granted for works which will substantially alter the external appearance of the building.
Works not yet commenced - January Changes to the Bondi Park included the following: - s Pipe handrails along Queen Elizabeth Drive replaced; pathway paving rehabilitated; - s Pavilion forecourt area reconstructed; and - Moulded concrete skate park in place of earlier skate ramp in southern section of park ; also landscape works including new pathways. Waverley Councli call for expressions of interest for the space. Current use: Pavilion - Cultural Centre, theatre, gallery, amphitheatre open air cinema.
At least 1, people lived in the area between Botany Bay and Broken Bay and the intermediate coast Attenbrow, n. There were two main languages spoken in the Sydney region - Darug and Tharawal. The Darug language had two main dialects - one spoken along the coast and the other in the hinterland west of present-day Parramatta. Tharawal was spoken to the south of Botany Bay and as far west as the Georges River and possibly Camden ibid, n. People belonged to small groups territorial clans through which they were spiritually related to specific tracts of land - these clans included the Gadigal, Wanngal, Gamaragal, Wallumedegal and Boromedegal.
The suffix 'gal' denotes 'people of', thus, for example, the Gadigal were the people of Gadi also spelled Cadigal and Cadi respectively ibid, n. The 'district of Gadi' was reported to have stretched from South Head west to 'the cove adjoining this settlement' Darling Harbour - an area that would have included Centennial, Moore and Queens Parks.
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Watkin Tench referred to the Gadigal as 'those who reside in the bay of Cadi'. The 'bay of Cadi' is probably Kutti, the Aboriginal place name recorded for present-day Watsons Bay, and the present name of a small beach in the bay ibid, n. The Centennial Parklands Conservation Management Plan contains the following report that provides in depth detail of the pre-colonial history of the lands that are present day Centennial Parklands, which is where the text on this page comes from: Pre-colonial Aboriginal land and resource use in Centennial, Moore and Queens Parks - assessment of historical and archaeological evidence for Centennial Parklands Conservation Management Plan ibid, n.
Waverley: Waverley took its name from the title of a book by the famous Scottish author and poet, Sir Walter Scott. Its connection with the suburb of Waverley comes through Barnet Levey or Levy, who came to Sydney in the s to visit his brother.

When he saw how prosperous the city was becoming, Levey decided to settle here and set up a business as a general merchant. He must have occupied the land before the official grant because he built himself a substantial two story home on Old South Head Road in , naming it Waverley House after the book by his favourite author. As time passed the house became a distinctive landmark and gave its name to the surrounding district, which was simply called Waverley.
Levey established Sydney's first permanent theatre behind his shop in George Street. His projects consumed all his money, and when he died in he left a widow and four children in poverty. In the house was taken over for a Catholic school or orphanage, but it was demolished early in the 20th century. Waverley municipality was proclaimed in By the s trams were running to the beaches in the Eastern Suburbs and Waverley became a popular picnic spot. Waverley Cemetery was established in on the site of the old tram terminus, on a beautiful site near the ocean.
It houses many historically notable people. There were also four quarries producing excellent freestone.
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Although the area was in private ownership, the use of the beach by the public was made permissible by the owners from , and the foreshore lands became popular as a picnicking and pleasure resort. In , an area of 25 acres at Bondi Beach was dedicated as a public reserve. Early improvements following the dedication included baths opened c, bathing sheds were erected in , and a weatherboard shed for the Bondi Surf Bathers Life Saving Club was built in A number of improvements ensued. In , bathing sheds accommodating men and women were opened, described as the "finest bathing accommodation of any of the ocean beaches" Sydney Morning Herald 14 February , p.
Between and , the sea wall at Bondi Beach was constructed. The wall was an early attempt to control the drifting sand problem experienced at Bondi, but only met with partial success. In the sand dunes at the north of the beach caused the sea wall to fail. An open competition called on designers to provide a kiosk and surf sheds, three lavatory blocks with separate accommodation for males and females, a band stand, layout of the park surrounding the buildings, increased pedestrian and vehicular traffic capacity and elimination of cross traffic over the Marine Drive and Promenade.
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The architectural firm of Robertson and Marks won the competition with a design which was semicircular in plan, with a circular core, and a Classical style elevation to the beach. This design, as well as improvements to the park and ancillary structures, including car parks, radiating paths, and bridges, was estimated to cost Pounds , Encountering difficulties in funding the project, in Waverley Council instructed Robertson and Marks to revise their scheme to include fund raising elements, such as baths.
The plans for the park, sea wall, and traffic provisions were further amended on the basis of recommendations from the Commission of Inquiry into the scheme held by the Department of Local Government. The Inquiry accepted the revised scheme in , and Waverley Council secured a loan of Pounds , from the Commonwealth Bank for the construction of the scheme. A further Pounds 40, was borrowed in in order to complete the scheme. The foundation stone marking the commencement of construction of the improvement scheme was laid on 26th May by the Mayor of Waverley, Alderman David Hunter.
The Bondi Surf Pavilion was sufficiently complete by December to allow the public to use the accommodation.
Bondi Pavilion history - Waverley Council
Six months later, Turkish baths and hot water baths were opened. The official opening of the Bondi Beach Improvement Scheme was held on 21st December before , to , onlookers. In addition to the erection of the pavilion building, the scheme included the layout of a Marine Drive now Queen Elizabeth Drive , bridges, carparking, promenade, and park plantings. The implementation of the improvement scheme required the relocation of the Bondi Surf Bathers Life Saving Club house to a point yards north to where the present building is situated.
The building was extended in the s and s. The Bondi Surf Pavilion offered, in addition to surf sheds and dressing accommodation, Turkish and hot water baths, retail premises, entertainment in the ballroom, cabaret theatre, and auditorium and dining. Bathing costumes, towels, lockers, and dressing cubicles were available for hire. The ground floor of the building originally held two courtyards, one for men and one for women, with individual changing booths constructed in rows in each. Tunnels leading from each courtyard led underneath Marine Parade to a pair of concrete groynes opening onto the beach.
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Owing to the outbreak of war in the Pacific, the two concrete groynes leading from the pavilion onto the beach were demolished in , and the park area was secured by barbed wire. In the post-World War II era, the Bondi Surf Pavilion experienced a decline as changes in bathing costumes from heavy woollen costumes to nylon eliminated the need for changing sheds.
The rise in popularity of the motor car meant that individuals could visit any number of beaches; whereas in the pre-war years the Bondi tram ensured that Bondi Beach was a popular beach destination for the public. Although Bondi Surf Pavilion itself began to decline in its commercial prospects Council reported an operating loss of Pounds 17, for the year , Bondi Beach itself was cemented in the national identity as the quintessential Australian beach, as evidenced by its selection as the location for the 'Royal Command' Surf Carnival, held in the presence of Her Majesty the Queen and His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh.
In the s and s, the ground floor refreshment rooms were operated by lessees, while the main hall and auditorium were rarely used.
Bondi Beach Cultural Landscape
In the s, steps were taken to increase the community use of the pavilion. The theatre on the upper floor was officially opened by Gough Whitlam in Demolition of the change rooms, lockers, former Turkish baths, and courtyard took place in to in order to create a netball court, an art gallery, gymnasiums, an amphitheatre and other facilities as part of Waverley Council's cultural program. Bondi Surf Pavilion still continues to be a community cultural centre, housing a theatre, a gallery, rehearsal, meeting and function rooms.
The external arcades, change rooms and toilets continue to be used by visitors to the beach. Many arts, cultural, and film festivals take place at the pavilion throughout the year. The Norfolk Island pine trees Araucaria heterophylla in Bondi Park began to die off in the late s, and a Select Parliamentary Committee of Enquiry reviewed the problem in , concluding that the death of the trees was the result of deleterious effects of off-shore pollutants introduced via the North Bondi sewerage outfall.
The concrete lookout tower on the butt of the southern groyne was constructed in , after the foundations of groynes were exposed during severe storms in late The sea wall and promenade were stabilised between and Further work was done in constructing new pathways and planting trees in Bondi Park in Waverley Council was appointed trustee for the care control and management of the reserve, on behalf of the Minister for Lands, on that date. Subsequently, the Bondi Park D.
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