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If you do not receive the confirmation email, please check any spam folders or add the email address noreply my. Following his win, Mr Fear and his wife embarked on a caravan trip along the Northumberland coast.

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They previously planned to visit Santander, Bilbao and Pamplona in Spain before heading for the Pyrenees, but were thwarted by Covid The episodes were pre-recorded without a studio audience due to Covid, with contestants given the option of a double Phone A Friend in place of asking the audience. Wow what a performance from as cool as a cucumber Mr Fear! Congratulations from everyone at Adams! At least nine people have been killed in a car bomb attack in the Afghan capital of Kabul, while about 20 others were wounded in the blast.

Tim Seifert has carried his bat for 84 to steer New Zealand to a nine-wicket win over Pakistan in the second Twenty20 international. More heavy rain and flooding is forecast for parts of northern NSW, as residents continue to mop up from downpours earlier in the week. Ah yes, the license.

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? crowns first winner in 14 years

This is a concept so alien to other nations, that it bears explanation. The poor and those over 75 have since been spared license payment. The latter exemption was introduced at government behest, as a sweetener for older voters, and paid for by the Treasury. But five years ago, the burden was transferred to the BBC. Amid rage from the elderly, echoed in their name by political leaders and newspapers, the BBC has insisted on withdrawing the over concession.

The row is absurd, of course. If the BBC is to be allowed to survive, it should relinquish its role in everything save genuine public service broadcasting, and be funded by subscription or advertising. Cummings reportedly banned ministers from appearing on many BBC shows, on the grounds that they are biased against the government.

He and Donald Trump would get on a storm. The fanatical BBC-haters, of whom there are depressingly many both among Conservative members of Parliament and newspaper publishers, refuse to acknowledge that no other content-maker in the world comes close to matching the range and quality of BBC output. I should here declare an interest, as a longtime contributor. Later I served as a TV reporter for the Corp, as we called it, in many countries, including war-torn Vietnam. Ever since, I have been a regular performer on its shows.

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The BBC is no more perfect than any other large institution. It is overstuffed with bureaucrats, ever more desperate to be seen to meet the demands of political correctness. I have believed for years it could be downsized by sacking thousands of managers. Every few years, it is convulsed by a scandal. Its foes demanded: What was the BBC ever doing in publishing? This was a good question. There are frequent political rows, headlined in newspapers, when BBC broadcasters display alleged bias. Last May, current-affairs presenter Emily Maitlis delivered an on-air blast against Cummings for his willful defiance of national Covid lockdown rules.

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Yet the mere fact that there are such spats over alleged bias stands in stark contrast to the daily assaults on truth that take place through many American radio and TV outlets. Most British people, when they stop to think, recognize that their principal broadcaster is, broadly speaking, fair, often to the point of blandness. Right-wing politicians lose no opportunity to squeeze its funding.

BBC radio still plays a dominant role, with Down one path lies a BBC reduced in impact and reach in a world of global giants … Down the other path is a strong BBC helping to bind the country together at home and champion it abroad. Yet many people, not all enemies of the corporation, argue that the viewing and listening license model is broken; cannot survive amid declining audiences.

It would help little for the BBC to take advertising, as this would yield only a share of a shrinking commercial cake. Nobody will ever again create an organization like the BBC, funded in a fashion that reflected the paternalistic, elitist society in which it was founded. Its first director general, Lord Reith, whom I knew slightly, served from to , and believed shamelessly in giving the British people what was good for them, rather than what they professed to want.

A little of the Reithian ethic still survives in the Corp. Many British newspapers, dominated by right-wing proprietors, urge their readers that the BBC is a wasteful left-wing racket, extorting money from the public.

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No government, even the right-wing nationalist one of Boris Johnson, would think of outright abolition. But politicians are content to allow BBC to atrophy, to suffer death by a thousand economic cuts. Should the extremists ever get their way and force the corporation to become a subscription service, it would be doomed, because nowhere near enough people would pay sufficient money voluntarily.

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More plausible is a shift to funding through a compulsory levy for all households — a system that works well in Germany. In an age when truth is fighting a vital battle against falsehood, even in the greatest democracy on earth, a public body committed to the former, and recognized as such by listeners around the world, is a jewel. Corrects source for reporting on Boris Johnson in 10th paragraph. This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners. For more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg. Bloomberg -- Equities in Dubai advanced on Sunday amid optimism over a rebound in tourism, while the main index in Israel slumped.