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Give me your 5 best-performing messages so I can get more women responding and get more dates! Get A Copy. Paperback , pages. More Details The Friendship Matchmaker 1. Other Editions 7. Friend Reviews.
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To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Friendship Matchmaker , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about The Friendship Matchmaker. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. I did not like Lara in the begin but I quickly realized something must have happened to make her think of school like that. By the end I liked her a bit more and it turned out pretty good.
Dec 05, Krithi rated it it was amazing. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. This is an awesome book!! Who ever makes a person without a friend, with a best friend that can not leave them. Jul 30, Ms. Lara takes her job as the school's friendship matchmaker very seriously, foregoing having her own friends so that she can make sure that Total Loners don't have to sit by themselves.
She's even writing a manual on how to make and keep friends that she thinks "Harry Potter's publisher" is sure to snap up. Her tips include liking only popular books and movies, not being too noticeable in hair and clothing, and not being too interested in school. She is dismayed when a new girl, Emily, comes to her Lara takes her job as the school's friendship matchmaker very seriously, foregoing having her own friends so that she can make sure that Total Loners don't have to sit by themselves.
She is dismayed when a new girl, Emily, comes to her school and breaks all these rules, going so far as to ignore Lara's warnings and advice! This irritates Lara, and she and Emily make a bet to see whose advice is better, deciding that whichever of them can find a best friend for a Total Loner will be the best matchmaker.
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Lara targets the wild haired Tanya, who wears t shirts with animals hotglued to them and sniffs school supplies. Slowly, Tanya improves to Lara's specifications, but Lara still can't find her a best friend. Will Lara be able to best Amy, or will her own past come back to haunt her. Strengths: I have liked this author's YA books, so it's interesting to find a middle grade title by her. It has a cute cover, and girls who like The Clique books would probably enjoy this "how to be popular" novel.
Weaknesses: Oooh. On a purely personal level, this really irritated me. I didn't believe that Lara would actually advise friends by appointment, or that new kids would seek her help out. She was not very likeable, and there were a lot of cliches about middle school life. As I said, I do like this author, but I don't think I can bring myself to buy the book.
Mar 06, Leah Rose Kessler rated it it was ok Shelves: middle-grade , female-author , female-mc.
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I'm giving this book two stars because I think the theme of how difficult and stressful it can be to make and keep friends is one that will really resonate with it's target audience. Apart from that, I had mostly negative feelings about it. It was a quick, pretty entertaining book that I can imagine my elementary school students gobbling up, and that is one of the problems: it is set in 7th grade, but the writing style and situations felt very early to mid elementary.
The kind of friendship prob I'm giving this book two stars because I think the theme of how difficult and stressful it can be to make and keep friends is one that will really resonate with it's target audience. The kind of friendship problems that the main character helps her classmate solve are so reminiscent of the kinds of issues my second and third grade students needed help with. Older kids, even fifth graders, definitely had friendship issues too, but they were often more complex than the ones presented as 7th grade problems in this book. I suppose this is aimed at a young audience who likes to "read up" about older students, but the disconnect in ages felt off to me.
The bigger problem for me, however, was the consistent victim blaming and the pervasive negativity about appearance, book choice, being "weird" and basically standing out in any way at all. Yeah, I know in middle school standing out can be seriously "bad" and stressful, but for a book whose message I believe is intended to be that being yourself is ok, this spends a lot of words repeating all the ways in which being yourself is not ok, and kids internalize that kind of message when it is stated over and over.
I was also bothered by the main character referring to other characters as having "brain problems" simply because she didn't like their choice of clothing or reading material. The victim blaming came in the form of the main character firmly placing the responsibility for bully-prevention on the shoulders of the people being bullied. Her advice to dress a certain way, talk a certain way, choose certain books, is often explicitly tied to the explanation that if they choose wrong they are just asking to be bullied.
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Not a good message for this age group or any age group, including adults, really. There was a bully character who was told to shut up a couple of times and given detention a couple of times, but no one kid or adult made any effort to change his behavior I know part of the point of this story is that the main character is wrong about a lot of the stuff mentioned above, but it takes until the last few pages for her to come to this realization, and even though she does say she is wrong in the end, the only thing she specifically says she is wrong about is "teaching kids to trust no one, especially themselves.
I think this author is a good writer, I just wish she had been more thoughtful about the words she was putting in front of youngish children. May 03, Marie rated it did not like it Shelves: horrible-books. I just don't really think that the strategies she used were accurate because I had some questions on my mind. Such as how she believes if she matches them up with one thing they have in common and expect them to build.
The only reason I gave the book one star is because I adore how Emily tortures her.
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