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- BUNK Surfers Paradise
- COVID-19 changes to visiting at RBWH
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Because you are making a Group Booking, there are additional Terms and Conditions that apply. Please read them and click 'I Accept' below to continue with your booking. By making a group reservation through Hostelworld.
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In order to make a group reservation on Hostelworld. The balance is due directly to the hostel according to their payment conditions. The booking deposit is non-refundable. Please note that any cancellations must be notified directly to the hostel at least 24 hours in advance of your scheduled arrival date, unless otherwise stated in the hostel's conditions.
Qué hacer en Cleveland - Los mejores planes de ocio y eventos | Eventbrite
All correspondence with regard to changes to your booking need to be dealt with directly with the hostel. Cancellations for reservations must be made directly with the hostel and must conform with the individual hostels cancellation policy see below It is your responsibility to pay the balance of your accommodation cost to the hostel in accordance with their payment conditions see below. Failure to do so may result in your reservation being cancelled by the hostel.
Individual hostels may have special booking conditions relating to group stays, please read the hostel booking conditions carefully before making your reservation. The remainder of the amount due will be charged to your credit card 1 week prior to arrival.
BUNK Surfers Paradise
Should numbers or room selection change, the per person deposit times the number of people who actually travelled will be deducted from the total accommodation charge levvied by the hostel. Any cancellations resulting from agreement to these terms and conditions under false pretences will result in loss of deposit.
Cuando llegues al BUNK Surfers Paradise te ofreceremos una bebida de bienvenida gratuita, para que te sientas como en casa. Pero si has venido a relajarte, también estamos preparados: disponemos de wifi, una sala con televisión y un salón de juegos con billar.
COVID-19 changes to visiting at RBWH
Estamos a menos de 10 minutos a pie de las olas, y a una manzana de los bares y restaurantes del Surfers Paradise Boulevard. El Aeropuerto de Gold Coast queda a media hora en coche y puedes reservar uno de los servicios de transporte locales que te dejan al otro lado de la calle del albergue. Por favor ingrese la contraseña de la cuenta.
Please read them and click 'I Accept' below to continue with your booking General Group Booking Terms By making a group reservation through Hostelworld.
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