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For youth entering through their school or students entering through their tertiary establishment, entries have been extended until 31 March. Entries for the Wearable Art Mandurah competition open on 1 November Complete your online entry form - entries open 1 November Closing date for all categories and awards: Final closing date — 1 March Closing date for all categories is on or before 13 June To enter, complete and submit the online form, together with an Artist Statement and four good quality photographs of your completed garment, adhering to the pre-selection photographic brief, before or on this date.
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This is very important for engagement and remaining connected once the kids have left home and provides real meaningful pursuits to look forward to. Evolutionary psychologists explain that the innate need to affiliate and form social bonds has been literally wired into our biology.
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When we make a positive social connection, the pleasure-inducing hormone oxytocin is released into our bloodstream, immediately reducing anxiety and improving concentration and focus. Each social connection also bolsters our cardiovascular, neuroendocrine, and immune systems, so that the more connections we make over time, the better we function.
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In fact, researchers have found that social support has as much effect on life expectancy as smoking, high blood pressure, obesity, and regular physical activity. One study found that people who received emotional support during the six months after a heart attack were three times more likely to survive.
Researchers at Harvard University have been following the lives of men since from young adulthood through old age in hopes of finding the ultimate answer to what makes us happy. Study director Dr. While keeping in touch by phone, texts, and emails is better than nothing, keep in mind that they do not replace face-to-face contact.
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A heartfelt hug can make you and them happy by increasing oxytocin. Studies show that acute loneliness and social isolation can impact gravely on wellbeing and quality of life, with demonstrable negative health effects.