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This aligns with the ratio of the same name included in the current year Financial Sustainability Statement. The Budget enabled the completion of many projects and initiatives, and delivering these commitments has made Brisbane a more liveable, vibrant, accessible and sustainable city. This Annual Report demonstrates the achievements of the organisation and the important work Council is doing to help transform Brisbane into a New World City. As our city grows in size and profile, Council has maintained its focus on keeping Brisbane moving, delivering new road infrastructure, keeping our city clean, green and sustainable, maintaining our suburban streets, advancing public transport and improving facilities for cyclists and pedestrians.
Council has delivered its key budget commitments and priorities to ensure the sustainable growth and future prosperity of Brisbane. This has ensured our suburban streets are safer and more enjoyable to use. Major intersection and road upgrades and congestion reduction projects have also been completed, including safety and traffic flow improvements at Alfred and Constance. This commitment to infrastructure improvement continues in , with the first stage of major works to reduce traffic congestion and improve safety on Kingsford Smith Drive set to commence in July.
Square Memorial demonstrates a commitment to providing an enduring legacy for future generations. Meanwhile, the reinstatement of three fountains continues to create an even more liveable city. I was pleased to dedicate a hectare property at Burbank as part of our work to support threatened flora and fauna, including significant koala populations. The coming financial year will again see Council supporting festivals, events and programs across Brisbane, having provided funding and resources for events during Economic development Brisbane is continuing its rapid emergence as an influential leader and business destination within the Asia Pacific region.
Also, our commitment to existing small businesses and emerging new industries continued through our economic development initiatives. Access to great community facilities and recreational opportunities for all ages and abilities is at the heart of our vision for an active, healthy and inclusive city. Sustainable growth, coupled with a balanced budget, has enabled us to maintain our strong credit rating. In addition to new exercise equipment for many of our parks this year, I was delighted to open The Emily Seebohm Aquatic Centre in Fitzgibbon in This newest addition is impressive and offers residents opportunities for fun, fitness and recreation.
I will continue to keep Brisbane on the right track by delivering for all residents and visitors. As we move into the new financial year and beyond, I remain committed to investing in projects that deliver essential services and lifestyle and leisure opportunities for our New World City. The newly opened Bracken Ridge Skate Plaza provides a competition-standard facility for skaters of all abilities, while skate parks at Paddington and Inala have also been upgraded. Council has continued to make significant investments in our popular library services, with Holland Park, Corinda and Carina libraries all enjoying upgrades.
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Wynnum saw a new library and community centre delivered in at the old Wynnum State School. Fostering and promoting civic pride through the revitalisation of our city has been a key focus throughout Our Innovative Proposals Policy, which was launched in August , encourages unique and innovative ideas to provide improved services and reduced delivery costs for ratepayers.
Over the past 12 months, Council has made significant progress in delivering projects that pursue an agenda of building a better Brisbane, while delivering an improved customer experience and better value for residents and businesses. Council also launched a New Residents Guide super landing page on our corporate website, facilitating easy orientation for people coming to live in Brisbane.
New residents can learn more about their neighbourhood, interacting with Council, getting around, dog registration, active and healthy events, storm safety and more. This saw more than , tonnes of asphalt laid and 87, tonnes of asphalt and granular pavement recycled, with sections of the Inner City Bypass, Webster Road, Moggill Road and Hawthorne Road being resurfaced.
Council commenced work on the Business Case for the Brisbane Metro Subway System, a transport project to help address the existing bus capacity issue and increasing journey times for bus commuters. We completed the expression of interest process to upgrade the Inner City Bypass. These works will see the Inner City Bypass widened from three to four lanes in both directions between the Legacy Way tunnel portal and RNA tunnel, reducing traffic congestion and increasing capacity for existing and future traffic demands.
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Council also implemented a range of land-based accessibility improvements at ferry terminals and bus stops, including delivering bus stop upgrades across the city. Around Council In the lead up to the Local Government Election, a review of the twenty-six 26 Brisbane City Council Wards was undertaken by the Change Commission to ensure that each ward has an equitable quota of voting constituents.
The review resulted in changes to the Ward boundaries. My thanks to all Council staff who continued to demonstrate professionalism and understanding during the caretaker period in the lead up to the election. Ward boundaries were moved and a number of Wards changed names. Developing this Plan gave us the chance to reflect upon our past five years and outline the objectives of each Council business unit and program area, showing how their work over the medium-term will contribute to our longer-term community plan.
I thank Lord Mayor Graham Quirk, along with members of Civic Cabinet, councillors and Council employees for their hard work in delivering vital services, infrastructure and value to the residents and businesses of Brisbane.
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Roads Sunnybank Hills Qld 07 karawatha. Chermside Qld 07 marchant. Wynnum Qld 07 wynnummanly. Council has eight standing committees, including Civic Cabinet, which are made up of and chaired by elected representatives. The Chief Executive Officer acts as Secretary of Civic Cabinet, provides executive advice and reports back to Council as an organisation. At its highest level, Civic Cabinet sets the strategic direction for Brisbane as a city and Council as an organisation.

Civic Cabinet also reviews and makes recommendations to full Council on major plans, corporate documents and city finances. Each committee considers Council policy, provides advice to Council and delivers results for the people of Brisbane across a wide range of areas such as infrastructure, public transport and the environment. Civic Cabinet meets each Monday morning. This initiative was accredited when Development Assessment was awarded the Australian Business Excellence Award for Innovation in Successfully launched new youth employment programs involving participants in traineeships, pre-vocational placements, cadetships and tertiary work experience.
Received 17, candidate applications, conducted interviews and appointed successful applicants through the Recruitment Centre. Council appreciates the importance of a healthy work-life balance and provides a range of work-life options and benefits to support employees. Council is an attractive employer, offering a wide variety of jobs and careers in more than 50 occupational groups.
In , Council received more than 17, applications for vacancies. In recognition of our high standards in workforce management, Council received awards for programs in health and safety and diversity. Contemporary workplace arrangements are encouraged and a variety of flexible work options are offered to meet business and workforce needs. These include flex-time and flexible working hours, part-time and job share arrangements and telecommuting.
Council has implemented a wellness model, ensuring each employee has control of their personal wellbeing both during and outside work, and can readily access assistance to improve their overall wellness. Health and wellness offers, as well as technology and commercial offers are also available to employees. Council regularly engages with external health and wellbeing providers to deliver the latest and most costeffective offers to all employees.
It is our commitment to the people of Brisbane that we will ensure our city will always be a great place to live. Council continues to develop a workforce that provides valuefor-money services to the community by being adaptable, capable, cost-effective and productive and to create a city that is accessible and offers opportunities for all. Council continues to build a workforce that reflects the community it serves, and delivers learning outcomes that maximise workforce productivity and customer service.
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Career paths are important at Council and the organisation invests in employee training and career development. Council continues to manage its industrial environment to meet legislative requirements and also support a costeffective workforce with the capability and flexibility to deliver value-for-money services to the community. Council is focused on supporting its people to continually improve service delivery to meet the changing needs of the community.
This is done through building change management capability, to ensure our people can deliver well-planned and timely change activities. Council provides a positive and supportive working environment to employees and works closely with staff to assist with workplace transitions. These pathways assist in the delivery of key priority positions and capabilities linked to Future Council strategies, including business analysis, change management and communications, engineering and project management.
Developing a skilled workforce Council has a number of learning programs and career development options that allow employees to gain more skills and knowledge, move around the organisation, change jobs or fields, or undertake formal study. The forums were very well received by. Attendees were also able to interact with senior Council staff and presenters via case study discussions and interviews.
This was complemented by providing Performance Leadership one-on-one coaching sessions to executives, managers and team leaders, with an uptake of 34 participants. Valuing a diverse workforce Equity and diversity continues to be a focus in Council. This Framework has been extended for two years. It preserves the focus on existing equity groups Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, women, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and people with disability. It also provides the flexibility to encompass a broader spectrum of diversity, including mature workers, the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex LGBTI community, young people and carers.
Safe and healthy work environment Council takes the wellness, safety and health of its people very seriously. It is committed to being a Zero Harm organisation and to the creation of a workplace that is injury, illness and incident free. Zero Harm is not just about preventing accidents, it is also about promoting and helping to deliver a healthy and active way of life for all staff, thereby reducing the risk of accidents and workplace incidents. Council is committed to being a Zero Harm organisation and to the creation of a workplace that is injury, illness and incident free.
These will make it easier for managers and team leaders to manage Zero Harm in their work areas, through better data and understanding of appropriate actions to implement. This has delivered an increase in near miss reporting, improved data quality and access to performance data. As at 30 June Awardee. As a river city, Brisbane will be seen as a lifestyle city of choice in the global economy. Brisbane is built on a floodplain and flooding is a natural occurrence for the city.
The Clean, Green and WaterSmart program enables Council to manage the risk of flooding in a way that creates a more resilient city, confident in its preparedness for future floods. The Clean, Green and WaterSmart program supports inclusive, well connected and engaged communities through the delivery of all abilities playgrounds, accessible parks and gardens and community activities that encourage residents and visitors to adopt behaviours to further enhance their wellbeing. By focusing on managing the sustainable development of our city in a way that provides for the future prosperity of Brisbane, the program will preserve.
This mapping highlighted an increase in native bushland in Brisbane and also identified new ecosystems in the city. Our parks, open spaces and streetscapes are attractive and the shady spaces provide valued visual, recreational, heritage and cultural amenity to a diverse Brisbane. Slaughter Falls and Simpson Falls picnic areas.