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There is an outbreak in Tasmania. The area is now under the strictest lockdown provisions in the country. All non-essential business is banned.
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The outbreak is traced back to two passengers of the Ruby Princess cruise ship, who were the first two people to die in Tasmania after testing positive to Covid Murphy repeats rumours to a New Zealand parliamentary committee that the virus spread because healthcare workers held an illegal dinner party , but a police investigation would later find there was no evidence to suggest such a party occurred.
The health services union says the spread was due to doctors and nurses working across infected wards. Five days later, the prime minister will also be slapped down by Tasmanian authorities for incorrectly suggesting a healthcare worker had deliberately withheld information from contact tracers.
The first hearing of the royal commission into the summer bushfires, a crisis that was for one month the defining issue of the year, is held via videolink. The national cabinet agrees to lift social distancing restrictions if three conditions are met. They are: boosting the testing regime to include extensive surveillance or sentinel testing of asymptomatic people; stronger contact tracing, including the use of a tracing app; and improved local response capability to quickly shut down any new outbreaks.
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If that happens and the basic reproduction number remains below one — meaning that each infection leads to less than one new infection — then, in four weeks, restrictions may be lifted. Restrictions will loosen gradually, Morrison says. Singapore is now a warning: lift restrictions too quickly and you could face a second wave. Western Australia and Queensland join South Australia and the Northern Territory in reporting no new cases of coronavirus. South Australia has just made three days in a row, despite expanding its testing regime.
The curve is bent. The next day, the national cabinet announces it will lift the ban on many types of non-urgent elective surgery from 27 April. The Ruby Princess departs Australia for the Philippines with crew members onboard. A NSW inquiry investigating the debacle holds its second day of hearings. Centrelink has processed , jobseeker applications, more than they usually would in a year. More than , businesses have expressed interest in the jobkeeper payment, and , have made formal applications.
A few weeks ago I was literally being screamed at to lock down, lock down everything. Now the calls are that we need to open up. The next day, Morrison rebukes the aged care sector for going above the recommended restrictions and denying visitors even when no outbreak has been detected. Murphy announces that all states have expanded their testing regimes, the first step in establishing sentinel testing.
Instead, lit candles are placed in driveways. The next day, the government releases the Covidsafe app, designed to assist contact tracing by making a record of everyone a user has been in contact with for more than 15 minutes. The information can only be accessed by state health authorities and is automatically deleted after 21 days. The use of the app is not compulsory, but it is linked to an easing of restrictions. Gladys Berejiklian follows Mark McGowan and Annastacia Palaszczuk in announcing a relaxation of social distancing laws.
Berejiklian says the change — which allows people to visit family and friends without being penalised — is a mental health measure. In Western Australia, people are now allowed to gather in groups of 10 either indoors or outdoors. Hiking, boating, fishing, camping, and holding a picnic or a barbecue are all now permitted, but regional travel restrictions and the hard border remain in place.
Four people die at western Sydney aged care home Newmarch House in a hour period, bringing the number of deaths at that facility linked to the coronavirus to Managers at the centre say they expect more deaths to follow. A makeshift memorial honouring residents who died from the coronavirus at Newmarch House, an aged care home in western Sydney, 30 April, The Logies are cancelled, followed by the Royal Melbourne Show. The number of cases in the United States passes one million , with a death toll of 58, — more than the number of US lives lost in the Vietnam War.
The Australian Capital Territory enters the day with no active cases of Covid, with people recovered and three dead. Loosened restrictions in New South Wales and Queensland take effect. North of the border, family groups are allowed to go for picnics or to a national park; to eat a takeaway meal outside instead of scurrying back into their homes; to take a leisure drive within a 50km radius of their home address; and to shop for frivolities.
In New South Wales, people are allowed to have up to two visitors in their home, or visit other people. In the Northern Territory, which has not had a new case of Covid in weeks, the parks are reopened. Fishing, camping, outdoor weddings and funerals and attending the local swimming pool are back on the cards. By 18 June, according to a plan outlined by chief minister Michael Gunner, everything will be back to normal.
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The national cabinet moves forward its decision on easing restrictions to next Friday, 8 May. This is the first 50 days of the shutdown. Reuse this content.
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