Late of Penrith, formerly Merrylands Beloved husband of Barbara dec. Father, father-in-law, grandfather and great-grandfather to Robyn, Frank, Shane and their families. Brother to Norman, Alan, Paul and Betty all dec.
Forever Loved Aged 88 years Family and friends of Devoted husband of Lima decd for nearly 70 years. Loving father of Christine, Stephen and Janine. Personalise your weather. Sorry we couldn't find a match for that, please try again. Change my location. My Account Logout. Funeral Notices. In Memoriam.
Certificate III in Carpentry
Bereavement Thanks. They're what A Table For Six was built on. They're our signature! We believe there is a better way to do dating. A more relaxed, less stressful way, where dinners are about shared fun and new connections. Finding new friends and a special partner is one of the most important things we do in our lifetime.
We love to hear your feedback and watch your journey as you meet, mingle and connect. A Table For Six gets you closer to real people. How did we do it? By creating opportunities for singles where the focus is on relaxing, enjoyment and connection. We believe that a great attitude combined with a little style can make meeting new friends and a special partner more achievable and a lot more fun.
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Our mission is to bring together singles at our dinners by putting the focus on enjoying the experience. With a sense of excitement and being inquisitive about the singles you are meeting, how can you not make connections and new memories! Come and join us today How lucky we sometimes are to experience such a night. Fireworks, a great atmosphere and fantastic company.
I was introduced to a group of nice ladies at about 6pm. By pm I was heavily immersed in conversation with the lovely Name withheld. What an amazing evening! We are both so glad that we took the step to join a Table for Six as the happiness we are experiencing is priceless. How our lives have changed for the better just by stepping outside our comfort zones and taking a chance. It was at my first dinner actually. I proposed in Rome in front of the Trevi Fountain and she said yes! Thank you for the introduction. Got a question? Have feedback?
Like to see an event added? Feel free to send us a message and someone from our team will be in touch. Mon-Fri: 9am - 6pm Saturday: 10am - 4pm Sunday: Closed.

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