- No Pay Biggest Senior Online Dating Website - Andersen Winery
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The name of the person who scammed for a little bit of money is name Patrick Nguyen. Not his real name. They will try to transfer money into this acct, with ur name on it, via check. Rubber checks that is.
No Pay Biggest Senior Online Dating Website - Andersen Winery
Thank God my bank caught the check which had been altered. I called him out on it. Sure he scammed me for money but in the interim I learned a very valuable lesson. He will get u into serious bank fraud problems. Jenifer , what site are you on? I also meet a guy online and he asked me to send the money, I did send and now he is disappeared. His name is Philip Nguyen. Im pretty sure this romance scam is happening too me his name is richard lance says hes a sgt stationed in africa hes got 2 kids wife died 2 years ago etc hes nevet asked for money but asked me to send a gift card to his sone i told him no hes basically made me fall in love anywsys he offered to give me money to help with my kids since my health is so bad i ignorantly gave him my login info he tried depositing a check into it but the check is in someone elses name my bank held it saying itd been altered but then said it will be available on the 21st im not exactly sure what to do or if i should say its fraud.
If you tell someone your bank account number they can take money out of your account.
A scammer might trick you into helping him transfer stolen money. He could ask you to accept a check in your account, and transfer money. If you get involved in a scheme, you could lose money or personal information and get in legal trouble. My scanmmer told me his name was Robert Foster and that he was a construction engineer with a daughter who was home schooled. He lived in California. I live in Florida.
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These guys are far reaching. I was leery at the beginning because he was talking romance at the very beginning. I thought who does that. He wanted to marry me and had not even met me. I turned him down. I had already covered myself by saying I lived strictly on my social security.
Guess he though he'd get what I had. When I turned him down, I didn't expect him to come back but a few days later, he was back romancing again but in 2 weeks he was asking for the money again. None of these sites really tell you what to do when you discover this. Do you go to the police or someone else? Not sure how to report him.
I did a reverse phone search and this guy has 10 addresses in California. He could have 10 people or more doing this kind of thing at each address. There should be something they can do to investigate. Hello i am talking to a person, he said his name is terry Howell he has a son name leo that goes to school on Turkey. He also ask me to get him in iTunes cards 3 I think the same guy got to me. I got red flags right away when he asked for ITunes cards and called the police.
They referred me to an FBI site that had a form. My guy's name was Cedric Chapman. He was "orthopedic surgeon" working for United Nations in Syria and was a widower with a daughter in a Florida boarding school. It appears this is some sort of racket and may be hard for the law to catch with him. Cedric looked to be about with a gray goatee type beard. They sometimes steal other's identity, though. I have been talking to a guy who also said the sweetest of things. Even got me to send some him some naughty pictures that he is now blackmailing on saying he will post them on Facebook and send to all my family and friends through the messager also said he tried hacking my work email to send pictures to all my work contacts.
I'm not sure what to do or where to go about this. He is also saying he will send pictures to my son's school. I had the same thing happen to me they try to blackmail me too they said they post my picture online it be three months then having done nothing yet they wanted 10, dollars I got them block I think was trying to scare me.
I needed to read your message I got scammed big time by a guy I am positive is a Nigerian scammer I had cut off all contact on hangouts and email, but yesterday I got a phone call and then text messages from a number in Illinois. He has s pic of me he screenshot. What are the odds of him actually doing anything???
You have to be careful about the info you provide. I'm curious what name he used. I think I'm being scammed by supposedly a Sgt. I setup a separate email acct. I did send a couple pics. Next he wanted to connect better via hookups but won't give me time to connect.. Also, one of his responses included the word "omoge" and I asked him what that was. No response. I googled it and it sounds like it is a term from Nigeria. I don't think I've given any info that he could use, but am concerned about identity theft, etc.
The heartbreak of finding out someone you liked is a scammer is really hard. These people are gross and will get their karma. I told the FBI about one. Please be aware that a scammer who recently used the name of Scott James Moreau on Facebook and Google hangouts is on several scammer lists on the internet using the same photos.
He does use different names but he is the person in the photos. He speaks highly of his moral character and frequently quotes religious texts.
He targets elderly women and soon convinces them he is in love with them and will marry them. He asks for iTunes cars, for smart phones and to create a banking account in the victims names. He encourages the women to discuss private matters about themselves. He appears to have been scamming for over five years and is quite practiced in how to get his victims to believe him.

I too have been scammed I think by the same guy. Says he is French. Supposedly went to Turkey to work on Government contract. Is owed huge sum of money but they will not pay him until he pays the taxes on it first. This guy is quite good. Uses God as bait to get you to send money to him so he can eat as he has no money!
I pray they catch him so he cannot take advantage of anyone else! Yes, says he works overseas. Needs to get money to pay parcel. Needed to get iTunes. Romance, sends. Romantic stuff. Kathryn I believe this is the same guy who has been communicating with me. He is on a project in Turkey and an engineer. Short money to get home. As soon as he get the remaining 10, he will come back to the states. Wants to marry me.