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- Fishing Australia since 1946
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On the bream front, the Patto has been producing fish over a kilo along with mullet similar size. Young gun Mike caught this nice fish and others fishing in his backyard on the Patto. Mike has been using yabbies to land the better size fish, with some bigger fish busting him off on light line around the pylons. Live freshwater yabbies or frozen shrimp have been the best baits.
Lure fishing the Patto has been effective for quality bream also if you're putting in the time. Customer Jordan has been fishing small shrimp imitation plastics and sinking hardbodies with slow 'flicks' of the rod tip, making them move as natural as possible. Using these styles of lures coated in gel scent he has been landing some nice fish up around the 40cm mark, fishing to small ledges and mud bank drop offs in the main river.
While you've got a bait in the water you've got a shot! Customer Aujin was fishing the river near the first floodgate in search of bream when he landed a nice pinkie snapper of 57cm. Fishing small baits of prawn he got the shock of his life when his 'bream' appeared red in colour. While these fish aren't generally expected in the river, after a big clean spell of clear salty water they push into the rivers and coves in search of food.
The rockwall section of the river produces smaller fish during these times, and further up the road the Yarra river is a real chance of fish like this or even larger at present. Winter 'snapper' up to 4kg or so venture up the Yarra from Hobsons Bay and can be caught almost up to Church Street when the river is salty. Fishing from around the Bolte down to the warmies gives you a real shot at a quality fish, and even mulloway - especially when using fresh bait. Wether you're boat or shore based, there's been no hiding from the plague numbers of garfish all along the eastern side of the bay.
If you're fishing anywhere from Brighton down to Mt Martha the gars have been thick and giving anglers plenty of action. Brighton rock walls have been producing the fish if you're located in the top end of the bay, as are Mordialloc and Beaumaris piers. South of Frankston customer Josh and mates had a crack at the fish and smashed them. Fishing from the boat around Mt Eliza in 4m of water Josh had the gars going nuts for about 2 hours. Fine 'pollard' mix berley and maggots did the job.
Mornington and surrounds has been a real hot spot for many trying their luck on the gars, with both staff Don and George getting their bag of fish from around the pier after work this week. As usual constant depth changes and keeping a keen eye on subtle float movements are half the battle, but keeping ahead of the fish will make sure you're constantly catching them. Baits on silverfish, frozen shrimp and maggots have all been excellent, when fed through a very fine 'wet sand' berley.
If it's garfish you're after, we have everything you need in store from hook choices, bulk berley and 's of floats! The suburban family lakes have been producing plenty of trout on both bait and lures. If you want to have a flick or take the kids out for some fresh air close by, there's a heap of these lakes around the suburbs for you to try your luck at. The lakes local to the store, Rowville and Karkarook have both been fishing well, wether you're happy to sit and bait fish or walk about and cast lures. Most of the trout have been fairly aggressive towards lures, with some working better than others.

Half a dozen different styles would give you some choice, with soft plastics, spoons, shallow running hardbodies and vibes all worth carrying. Staff member George has been trialling a few new lures at Karkarook with good results. Plenty of trout have been fooled by the Yakamito tout spoon, in both 5g and 10g, especially in Karkarook. If you're more inclined to bait fish never fear, provided you're correctly set up using light coarse techniques and berley you'll find yourself some trout in no time.
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Powerbait and maggots have been excellent when combined with a fine berley mix and feeder cages. If you need help setting up for this style of fishing talk to us in store.
The trout fishing in many of the lakes and pondages has been good over the cooler weather, with plenty of nice fish coming from Eildon pondage. With the pondage level low the fish have been a bit more confined and hunting the receding flats and edges, and they have been ideal lure targets. Customer Matt fished the pondage over the weekend and found some quality trout moving about, with fish to 60cm hunting down slow sinking spoons. Back around the metro Melbourne suburbs there have been plenty of trout to contend with. The local family lakes have been topped up with some yearling rainbow trout that are ideal for kids or experienced anglers alike.
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You can target these with either bait or lure, but picking one technique and sticking to it is normally the best. Coarse methods with pellet style bait and berley are super effective if you want to sit back or have new anglers trying their luck. Lure anglers like customer Alif have been catching fish in lakes such as Karkarook park using a variety of lures.
Ali has been landing some of the rainbows on long-casting spoons fitted with assist style hooks. The assist hook upgrade is the very best way to stay connected to these fish on this style of lure.
Staff member George has also been putting some trout on the bank at Karkarook on lures. George has been fishing small minnow profiled hardbodies in a variety of colours from aggressive through to natural trout parr patterns, with all of them working.
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Fitting the lures with ultra fine gauge hooks has been the difference between feeling taps and bites and converting these to hook ups. The salmon fishing continues to provide entertainment along all of the beaches in the state, from local peninsula beaches through to south and east gippsland. While the gippsland beaches have been producing good quality fish, beaches like Gunnamatta have also had some sold fish running.
For the Melbourne local beaches Gunnamatta and St Andrews have been good, with the east gutters along Gunnamatta producing better numbers of fish during the week. Some of the sections of the 90 mile in Gippsland have been fishing better than others, with Loch Sport being one of the more productive.
Fishing Australia since 1946
Staff member Don fished the area recently and found plenty of salmon to about 3lb. Don predominately fished twin paternoster rigs with a mixture of bait and artificial offerings, and also spun metal lures as well. The bait that was most productive was bluebait, with surf poppers and 'bungy' baits on the top hook taking a lot of fish also. Berleying up the area you're fishing is critical when on a busy beach also, as confining the fish to your area will see a lot more landed.
Customer Reg fished the same area with some mates recently also and found good numbers of fish taking pilchard and surf poppers. Just be sure to rig your surf popper on the 'top' hook, as it will float up and away from your second hook and away from the crabs. For the anglers who have been down along the state's west over the past week or so the tuna fishing has continued to be good.
James from Unreel Fishing Charters has been fishing around Port Fairy over the past few weeks and has found no shortage of bluefin. James has been catching plenty of school fish from as close as 35m of water out to beyond Lady Julia island. James has been finding lots of small bait at present and smaller lures have been the best job of getting the bites.