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The Defining Moment, and Hillary Rodham Clinton
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The job of health care reform cannot be done when access to care depends on skin color or the neighborhood they live in or the amount of money in their wallet. Let's continue to work toward universal affordable, quality health care. Reportedly, Clinton expressed support when she was First Lady for universal single-payer health care in the U.

Clinton later said that health care coverage improvements need to be made incrementally, in contrast to the more ambitious, wide-ranging plan that failed in to In September , as part of her presidential campaign, Clinton proposed her own health system reform plan dubbed the "American Health Choices Plan" , which would require that individuals have health care coverage from some source. Clinton explained that the coverage options available would be enrollment in private insurance plans via an " individual mandate " and an "employer mandate" requiring employers to provide health care benefits, or enrollment in a public program via an expanded version of Medicare or federal employee health plans.

In January , Clinton said that single-payer healthcare "will never, ever come to pass. Clinton claimed during a debate in January that "We now have driven health care costs down to the lowest they've been in 50 years". Clinton supports federal and state efforts to create Medicare-like " public option " health insurance plans to compete against private insurers. According to Vox , of the top four presidential candidates Clinton, Donald Trump, Gary Johnson , and Jill Stein , Clinton is "the only candidate not pandering to the anti-vaccine movement " and the only candidate with views on vaccines that are consistent with the scientific consensus.

Let's protect all our kids.

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On a candidates' questionnaire in , when asked whether "vaccines should be investigated as a possible cause of autism? We don't know what, if any, kind of link there is between vaccines and autism — but we should find out.

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In , as first lady, Clinton was a key supporter of the program that became the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 's Vaccines for Children program, which provides free inoculations for eligible children. An independent report by Moody's Analytics issued in found that Clinton's proposals would, if enacted, create Clinton has proposed to put her husband Bill "in charge of revitalizing the economy" in her administration, citing economic growth under his Presidency — Her official platform claims that investments in "infrastructure, clean energy, and scientific and medical research" will create jobs during her administration.

In her book Hard Choices , Clinton wrote that there were regulatory hurdles for businesses to create jobs in America and India, saying, "There were still too many barriers and restrictions, but American companies were slowly gaining access to Indian markets, creating jobs and opportunities for people in both countries. Clinton proposes to reduce unnecessary occupational licensing requirements to ease burdens on small business owners.

While a U. In August , Clinton said that "strengthening unions doesn't just serve members — it leads to better pay, and benefits, and working conditions for all employees. Clinton has stated that "manufacturing is critical to the U. Clinton has pledged to build and expand upon President Obama's support for a National Network for Manufacturing Innovation , which focuses on developing and commercializing manufacturing technologies through public-private partnerships between U.

As a Senator, Clinton voted for an increase in the federal minimum wage. I've been through this. My husband gave workers a raise in the s. I voted to raise the minimum wage and guess what, millions of jobs were created or paid better and more families were secure. That has been tried, that has failed. Clinton supports 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave at a minimum two-thirds wage replacement rate.

Clinton opposes cutting Social Security. Clinton said that a repeal of the FICA tax cap would amount to a "tax increase on the middle class. Clinton's plan for student debt relief is to allow those carrying existing student debt to refinance their student loans at current rates available to students taking out new loans. Clinton proposes to permit start-up founders and early employees to forgo payments on their federal student loans for up to three years. On December 5, , Clinton unveiled her plan to ameliorate the effects of the subprime mortgage financial crisis on homeowners.

She called for a day moratorium on foreclosures , in order that lenders and mortgage servicers have sufficient time to get through paperwork complications and an expected high volume of troubled borrowers without having to shut out the lights, and a five-year freeze on the interest rates of adjustable rate mortgages , so that borrowers would not get slammed by expected 30, 40 or more percent increases in monthly payments due to the effects of the crisis and of unwise initial borrowing decisions. Clinton claimed during a nationally televised townhall meeting in February that "You are three times more likely to be able to get a mortgage if you're a white applicant than if you're black or Hispanic, even if you have the same credentials.

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Experts say the gaps are not as drastic as Clinton says once you equalize for other key factors, such as income and credit history. Export-Import Bank , and holds that "any trade deal has to produce jobs and raise wages and increase prosperity and protect our security".

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During the internal debate over the North American Free Trade Agreement , Clinton made clear her feeling that its passage was getting higher priority within the administration than it should, especially compared to the Clinton health care reform plan. Shapiro felt showed she had been a "good soldier" in getting behind a settled decision, [] [] but which other attendees interpreted as showing Clinton was in fact behind the agreement.

Clinton has since repeatedly called for renegotiating the "core labor and environmental standards" of NAFTA. NAFTA was a mistake to the extent that it did not deliver on what we had hoped it would. But what we have learned is that we have to drive a tougher bargain. Our market is the market that everybody wants to be in.

We should quit giving it away so willy-nilly. I believe we need tougher enforcement of the trade agreements we already have. I will review every trade agreement. I'm going to ask for revisions that I think will actually benefit our country, particularly our workers, our exporters In , while representing New York in the U. Senate, Clinton said: "During my tenure as senator, I have voted for every trade agreement that has come before the Senate, and I believe that properly negotiated trade agreements can increase living standards and foster openness and economic development for all parties.

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Clinton supports the U. Export-Import Bank , a decades-old trade promotion agency. In August , Clinton promised to create a new position of trade prosecutor and to triple the number of enforcers. That would kill even more jobs. It's safe to say the TPP won't be perfect -- no deal negotiated among a dozen countries ever will be -- but its higher standards, if implemented and enforced, should benefit American businesses and workers. In an April presidential campaign stop in New Hampshire, Clinton said, "Any trade deal has to produce jobs and raise wages and increase prosperity and protect our security".

I oppose it now, I'll oppose it after the election, and I'll oppose it as president. Clinton has named former Senator Ken Salazar , who is a prominent supporter of TPP, to chair her presidential transition team. Clinton supports energy conservation, releasing oil reserves , increasing the number of hydrogen-powered vehicles , and ratification of the Kyoto Protocol.

She opposes drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge [] and the Bush administration's energy policy. Clinton was endorsed by the League of Conservation Voters in Clinton accepts the scientific consensus on climate change and criticizes climate-change deniers "who still refuse to accept the settled science of climate change.

Clinton writes in her memoir Hard Choices that during her tenure in the State Department she played an instrumental role in the push toward an enforceable international agreement to reduce carbon emissions. Clinton did not say specifically how much the U. In July , Clinton set forth two ambitious renewable energy goals for the United States: to generate enough clean renewable energy to power every U. It's either going to be China , Germany or us. I want it to be us because there will be a lot of jobs, again, that have to be done right here in America. Clinton has praised the international Paris Agreement reached at the United Nations Climate Change Conference , saying: "The Paris agreement is testament to America's ability to lead the world in building a clean energy future where no one is left out or left behind During a debate in March , Clinton said that "we need" to implement "all of the president's executive actions" on the environment and that we need to "quickly move to make a bridge from coal to natural gas to clean energy.

Speaking at a CNN town hall forum in March , Clinton said: "I'm the only candidate which has a policy about how to bring economic opportunity using clean renewable energy as the key into coal country. Because we're going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business, right? And we're going to make it clear that we don't want to forget those people.

Those people labored in those mines for generations, losing their health, often losing their lives to turn on our lights and power our factories. Now we've got to move away from coal and all the other fossil fuels, but I don't want to move away from the people who did the best they could to produce the energy that we relied on. When confronted about her "out of business" statement while campaigning in West Virginia , Clinton stated "I don't know how to explain it other than what I said was totally out of context for what I meant because I have been talking about helping coal country for a very long time.

It was a misstatement because what I was saying is the way things are going now, they will continue to lose jobs. It didn't mean that we were going to do it.

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What I said is that is going to happen unless we take action to help and prevent it. The plan calls for increased job training, small-business development, and infrastructure investment, especially in Appalachia. The plan also seeks to safeguard miners' healthcare and pensions. Clinton supports allowing hydraulic fracturing fracking but only when it meets her conditions regarding local choice, stronger environmental regulation and chemicals. I don't support it when the release of methane or contamination of water is present.

I don't support it — No. So by the time we get through all of my conditions, I do not think there will be many places in America where fracking will continue to take place. And I think that's the best approach, because right now, there are places where fracking is going on that are not sufficiently regulated. As Secretary of State under President Obama, Clinton promoted fracking services by American companies to various countries as "part of a broader push to fight climate change, boost global energy supply, and undercut the power of adversaries such as Russia that use their energy resources as a cudgel.

In , Clinton stated that she was inclined to support the issuance by the State Department of a cross-border permit for the Northern leg of the Keystone XL pipeline. In a Los Angeles Times op-ed in September , Democratic platform member Bill McKibben was critical of the disparity between the Democratic platform — which calls for recognition of the "right of all tribes to protect their lands, air, and waters" — and Clinton's silence on the issue.

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In an email to Democracy now! Clinton wants to renew permits for existing nuclear power plants that are safe to operate and increase public investment in advanced nuclear power. At a February campaign rally in Columbia, South Carolina , Clinton stated, "I think nuclear power has to be part of our energy solution Until we figure out what we're going to do with the waste and the cost, it's very hard to see nuclear as a part of our future.

But that's where American technology comes in. Let's figure out what we're going to do about the waste and the cost if we think nuclear should be a part of the solution. In Democratic primary debates in , Clinton said that she supported greater oversight of the Indian Point nuclear power plant , which had experienced calls for closure following leaks and other problems.

Clinton accepts the scientific consensus on climate change. Sea levels are rising ; ice caps are melting ; storms, droughts and wildfires are wreaking havoc.