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Diamond Creek We investigated the distribution of the 1, singles from Diamond Creek among the single sites. Personalised Recommendation for Diamond Creek. Which dating site is right for you? Get your personalised recommendation Get more info Ashley Madison. Here, we employed phylogenetic and phylogeographic approaches to evaluate the effect of this barrier on a group of four galaxiid fish species Galaxiella endemic to temperate Southern Australia. We also tested if continental shelf width has influenced connectivity among populations during low sea levels when rivers, now isolated, could have been connected.
We addressed these questions by sampling each species across its range using multiple molecular markers mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences, nuclear S7 intron sequences, and 49 allozyme loci. These data also allowed us to assess species boundaries, to refine phylogenetic affinities, and to estimate species ages. Interestingly, we found compelling evidence for cryptic species in G. Our combined phylogeny and dating analysis point to an origin for the genus dating to the early Cenozoic, with three of the four species originating during the Oligocene-Miocene.
Each Galaxiella species showed high levels of genetic divergences between all but the most proximate populations.
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Despite extensive drainage connections during recent low sea levels in southeastern Australia, populations of both species within G. All populations experienced Late Pleistocene-Holocene population growth, possibly in response to the relaxation of arid conditions after the last glacial maximum. High levels of genetic divergence and the discovery of new cryptic species have important implications for the conservation of this already threatened group of freshwater species.
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. Southern Australia provides an excellent geological setting for studying biogeographic patterns.
Long-term aridity since the Oligocene created a vast desert region in southern Australia, isolating two moist temperate regions in the southwestern and southeastern parts of the continent.
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The biota that occupy these two regions have been isolated since at least Mid-Miocene Fig. In southeastern Australia, sea level changes have repeatedly connected and isolated Tasmania from mainland Australia, resulting in a vast, but temporary, increase in terrestrial habitat during low sea levels over 83, km 2 ; Fig. This has resulted in a close relationship between the fauna of northern Tasmania and southern Victoria [4] , [5].
Many studies have also examined the relationships of the biota across southern Australia [6] — [9]. In this study, we examine the effect of the aridification of southern Australia on the evolutionary diversification of a small group of fishes in the genus Galaxiella endemic to southern Australia. Refer to Table 1 for corresponding locality details. Each species is represented by a different symbol, with populations from both lineages of G. Shaded areas refer to the general distribution of each Galaxiella species. Low sea level drainage patterns are shown to the minus m bathymetric contour.
Bathymetry predicts a large depression that we refer to as Lake Bass. The small inset of Australia shows the relevant biogeographic provinces, and the black central southern region represents the extent of the Eucla Basin. Another earth history feature that could affect the distribution and genetic diversity of Galaxiella species is differences in the width of the continental shelf.
Regions with narrow continental shelf should present limited opportunities for drainage connections during low sea levels, since few rivers are likely to connect Fig. Much of southern Australia has a relatively narrow continental shelf, thus most drainages remain isolated during low sea levels Fig.
In addition, during low sea levels a new north-south drainage divide emerges on the eastern edge of the Bass drainage Fig. Drainages to the east of that low sea level divide should experience long-term isolation, a pattern found in other freshwater fishes in this area [9] , [10]. Freshwater fishes in the genus Galaxiella are widespread across southern Australia.
As presently defined, the genus consists of three species of small, stout-bodied galaxiid fishes [11]. Two species, G. The three species differ only slightly in their morphology, with the primary differentiating characters relating to lateral striping and fin morphology [12] , [13]. This has propagated confusion in southwestern Australia, where these species overlap in their distribution [13] , [14]. Here, G. Essentially, G.
Both species overlap to a limited extent in floodplain habitats that have seasonal connections to more permanent water bodies [16]. In contrast, G. All three species are small up to 40—60 mm total length , have low fecundity maximum of eggs and essentially live for only one year [19] — [21].

Importantly, all have experienced substantial range reductions, mainly due to habitat loss and introduced species such as Gambusia holbrooki eastern mosquitofish. Several studies have examined the taxonomy and relationships of Galaxiella species. The nomenclature of each Galaxiella species has remained largely stable since their description; however, their generic placement has changed. Galaxiella pusilla and G. Noting that Chilean Brachygalaxias were distinct from the Australian species, McDowall [28] , [29] restricted Brachygalaxias to Chile, proposed Galaxiella for the Australian group and described G.
Several molecular and morphological studies have examined broader galaxiid relationships.
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Waters et al. A comprehensive morphological analysis also supported the monophyly of Galaxiella and Brachygalaxias [31]. Subsequent phylogenetic analyses based on 4. Molecular genetic variation within Galaxiella species from southwestern Australia has not been studied in detail. Smith et al.
Phillips et al. In southeastern Australia, Coleman et al. Their major finding was of a deep east-west separation of G. Coleman et al. In order to determine the effect of earth history events on diversification in Galaxiella , a more integrative approach is needed; one that blends phylogeny and phylogeography. Previous within-species comparisons in the two western Galaxiella species were also limited, as they addressed more specific local questions [33] , [34].
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For G. Here, we improve on previous studies of the biogeography and population genetics of Galaxiella fishes. First, we use Gondwanan fragmentation and the well known geology of southern Australia to derive geologically-based calibration points for analyses and thereby estimate a time frame for diversification within the genus based on broader within-taxon sampling.
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Second, we use a suite of molecular markers mtDNA, nuclear DNA and allozymes where possible to comprehensively assess species boundaries within all Galaxiella species based on more extensive geographic sampling. Third, we investigate phylogeographic patterns within each Galaxiella species. Fourth, we attempt to understand the effects of aridification on the evolutionary history of Galaxiella in southern Australia and the role that sea level changes had on the evolutionary histories within each Galaxiella species in southern Australia. Specifically, if shelf width is important then populations of G.
In contrast, populations of G. In addition, populations in the Bass drainage should show evidence of population expansion during the last glaciation due to the substantial increase in available habitat, whereas populations outside of this region should show little change as the amount of extra available habitat on the continental shelf was not substantially greater than today Fig. The rarity and conservation status of these species limited our sample sizes.
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In many cases, there were only one or a few populations known per river basin. Our primary goal was to include one population per major drainage where each species is found. We examined samples of Galaxiella from 40 locations spanning virtually the entire distribution of this genus in Australia Fig. Samples from five of our six sampling locations for G. Our sampling ranged from 1—11 individuals per locality, with most sites represented by 10 individuals within G. Based on their close relationships to Galaxiella in previous molecular and morphological phylogenetic analyses [30] — [32] , we also included five individuals from Brachygalaxias bullocki and B.
We employed a GIS approach to quantify several environmental factors needed to evaluate our hypotheses linked to changes in sea level. Datasets used to generate maps e.
Bathymetric data were obtained from a 30 arc-second ca. We amplified the mtDNA cytochrome b cyt b gene using two primers that flanked the gene. Most G. GP as well as the internal forward primer Sal. We also included the first two introns and the second exon of the nuclear S7 gene. In a few cases, we had to use the internal primers 1F.
Primers 1F and 3R are from Chow and Takeyama [40]. Sequences were also obtained via cycle sequencing with Big Dye 3. Healthcare, Piscataway, NJ. Data files containing all individuals sequenced as well as various analysis files were deposited in Dryad, doi Sequences were edited using Chromas Lite 2. All coding sequences were checked for unexpected frameshift errors or stop codons in Mega 5.
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Due to the presence of heterozygous individuals we phased the S7 data using the program Phase [44] as incorporated into DnaSP 5. Trees were rooted with Brachygalaxias bullocki and B. We calculated mean within- and among-taxon and population variation using p-distances in MEGA. We also reconstructed a haplotype network to resolve shallow relationships among closely related haplotypes [51].
We used TCS 1. This failed to create a single network within both G. We combined the data from cyt b and S7, included all individuals sequenced, then ran analyses using a relaxed molecular clock in BEAST 1.